Long time no see!
Lots of things happened since our last roll…
For example, I took more photos…with a Praktica MTL5 + Helios 44-2 + Ilford HP5 400 (Set 1) and with a Canonet QL-17 + Protopan 400 (set2).
On to the frames:
while cleaning your bedroom, you can find some nice memories
My sis and her friends went on Erasmus
Then we went to Poland, with a quick stay on London:
statues as people
one can tell that I'm not used to be on a photograph
Classic (I guess) shot of the London Eye
but that's not my kind of I like this one better
that awkward moment when you you miss focus and miss compose, and still get a shot that you like
nice street
the photo before I heard the guy shouting at happens..
1.15 pounds, 2.0 cigars
really liked this one
enjoying some nice sun at Hyde Park
sight seeing
crepes - backstage
typical London shot (I guess so, at least)
nice neighborhood
at D's house. (thanks for the stay, man!)
bye London
and hello Gdansk (but that's for the next post)!
More rolls to come,
A. Capelo