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Today I bring you an half-digital, half-analog post (it's more 1/4 digital, 3/4 analog). The digital ones are from my Canon 350D, when I went out without rolls with me. The others were taken with my Fed 3b with the Industar I-61 lens and a Ilford HP5 400 film. I'm not sure what went wrong, but this roll came out very grainy, even with the ID-11 and the usual developing scheme that I use. Ok, first the DSLR's... progress eyes could not resist eyes could not resist compliment compliment meh stone stone cold hello kodak Hello Kodak bijou shopping Now, ready for some grain? nês Nês 'sup? 'sup? Party Po(o)per! Party Po(o)pers tragedy tragedy! station entrance old shoemaker shoemakah tri narrow behind the ruins behind the ruins lots of vertical shots… =/ give me a green light give me a green light mistery booth candelabro aged stairs aged stairs More rolls to come, A. Capelo
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