Darkness falls
Hey there
Last week, amongst other things unrelated to this blog, I tested my new analog SLR, the exa 1b. I got mine from Máquinas de Outros Tempos. As you can see in the next picture, the camera is quite different. It doesn't have a light meter and the range of speeds is short (1/30 slowest and 1/175 fastest), so it has a somewhat limited use. However, its size is really good, the shutter release is very original and the waist level finder is quite nice. It forces you to slow down to shoot and gives you a new angle and perspective.
The first shots are from a APX100 film and were taken with this exa 1b. The second batch is from a kodak tri-x 400 roll pushed to 1600 and burned with the zorki 4k.
prints for the upcoming exhibition
degraded shopping
the finger
till' the end of roll
Creepy store
Now the tri-x ones. lots of available light as you can see:
(epic photo)
J Bangs
V.Fight + D900ness
Moustache Monkey
don't know who took this photo
S in focus
tea and coffee
late work
More rolls to come!
A. Capelo