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As I said on the previous post, the next photos are from my "new" analog SLR camera, the Minolta Dynax 303si. It's a pretty straight-forward camera, you don't have any control over the aperture or velocity, so you choose between some pre-set modes. In my opinion, it's a nice camera to any beginner or even if you don't want to tweak any parameters (in street photography, it happens sometimes). Film used: Superia 200. City: Braga.

I didn't like half the photos of the roll, so, here you go, the photos that I can live with :P


Dragon Ball!!! Had to take the photo

the bikes the camera the box head

the bikes the cameras the box in the head..wait, what?



two threes

two 3's

Tying shoelace

I was tying my shoelace xD

train station scene

Train station scene



Camera used:

Minolta Dynax 303si

More rolls to come!

A. Capelo

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