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These were taken with a Olympus OM-10+ Zuiko 1.8 + ilford HP5 400 roll (from we-love-film) pushed to 1600. It was my first *push" to 1600, and the ID-11 developer was already a bit worn out, but I think it went OK. I'm still to figure out if some lighter parts of some negs were from the developing process or the age of the film… Check it: youth is coming youth is coming untitled Barbershop - legs crossed winter formal comfort comfort My camera was taken from my hands with extreme violence, so that this next 3 shots could be taken: Feel Good Peter Feel Good Pete Dark John Dark John R. R. kiosk Kiosk HCB ? Henri Cartier-Bresson? :) focus is overrated :P Focus is overrated! :p v fight v fight subway subway looks like it's windy "looks like it's windy" posers Posers short film? Short-film? focus is overrated pt2 focus is overrated pt.2 cocktailtalk cocktail talk taste it taste it cocktailtalk cocktail silence More rolls to come! A. Capelo
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