Capelo is writing

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New Photos: ilford HP5 400 pushed to 800 with my Canonet QL 17 My laptop is with the lowest battery and I don't have the charger with me, so it's gonna be few words and more pics: (All taken between Porto or Braga, in Portugal. I'm not sure if I like the metering and focusing this rangefinder is giving me..although whenever I look at it I forget everything!) Little Apprentice Little Aprentice his petal his petal hipster writings on the wall Hipster writings on the wall rrrflection rrrflections buying magazines like a bawss buying magazines like a bawss img672 hey there goofs img668 circle of lives img669 axis look look untitled "a brasileira" is it a bird? is it a bird? cuteness cuteness old part of town old part of town columns columns bus stop bus stop outafocus M outafocus M pre-face painting pre-face painting post-face painting post-face painting s'prise sprize! weight lifting cup lifting camouflage camouflage   Hope u like it! More rolls to come, A. Capelo
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