Breaks & Refreshments
Part 1: Photo Stuff
This posts sums up some of the photos I’ve been taking with the X100. I tried it at night on low light concert venues, street, on a sunny day at Parque da Cidade and carried it around London when I went to the FullStack Conference (which was awesome btw).
Part 2: Code Stuff
A couple of weeks ago I created a CSS responsive grid which goes by the name of Droppin’ Bars. It’s pretty simple, but also very versatile. It has pre-defined media-queries for your site to adapt to the main device types, utility classes and the coolest name a css grid can have!
You can check the demo page here (try resizing your browser if you’re on a desktop) and if you’re into code, check the repo here.
PS: I re-added the disqus to the blog, so you can leave some comments on the box bellow the post!
See you soon, A. Capelo